K-Fox (0-0-.14)


K-Fox 0-0-.14
A tea supporting beneficial life.

The scope of this product is hard to encompass. For its strength lay not in any single action, ingredient or organism but in its unmatched notion of many parts that together equal a whole greater than the sum of the parts. Almost always when you buy beneficial bacteria products, they contain an isolated strain that has been bred in a laboratory over literally millions of bacteria generations. Not only does this create a weak organism that is not fit for high salt, rigorous work environments, but one single strain, or even two or three, could never hope to achieve the vast array of functions inside the root zone that is required of them. The extreme roll of bacteria in the soils of some of the most famous places on earth is well documented. This is the result of thousands upon thousands of different species of beneficial soil bacteria, some with no names yet; and each one of them with specific "jobs". Only together do they create a harmonious system. That is why K-Fox is specifically designed to add homeopathic potassium support to the bacteria in your media which will have the effect of supporting the life of a VAST array of colonies. Living, growing and prospering in an amazing low waste system. A Kosmo -"an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution".

Instantly upon mixing and aerating, your K-Fox will come to life and get to work supporting a kingdom of bacteria in your root zone.

To the best of our knowledge, we are the only fertilizer company in the world adding homeopathic support to the life in your media.

*Increase nutrient availability
*Improve soil health
*Decrease chance of root infections
*Improves overall health and quality of plants

Need more info? Call us at 360-305-7048
